Saturday, January 27, 2007

Say Cheese!!

We were going through our albums recently and found lots of cute photos of ourselves. Look at his one. Mummy took this picture of us a long long time ago, we were just babies and we were naive and innocent and didn't know that we could say no to mummy. Look how she puts us in this pose. Cute though. Say Cheese!!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Our Likeliness

Wow!! The lengths our mama would go just to see us at every moment of the day... Look at what she has gone to do!! Drew us on her shoe she did!! HAHAHA!!! And she found 2 pom poms that looked just like our tail too!! That is so crazy!!

Monday, January 1, 2007

Is the Conscience Clear??

As we are having our spa treatment, eating strawberries and lazing around without a care in the world, we would like to take some time out to help out our friends who are less fortunate than us. For some of them, going without food for days is a norm and living in horrible surrounding is just a way of life. Those who went hungry or had to lie in urine all day had a better fate than those who got battered up by their daddy or mummy or left to fend for themselves suddenly in the middle of the night. Those horrible humans who once thot our friends were cute. The same irresponsible fools who now wants to chuck them aside for a newer toy. We wonder can they sleep peacefully at night now that they think they have solved their problem!! We hope they rot in hell!!!

Luckily in these cold and unfeeling times, there are still people who care. People who take their responsibilities seriously. People who selflessly help those in need without expecting something in return (Hey!! We're just rabbits. What can we give back other than love and companionship??). Look at all the hardwork that they are putting in. Getting scolded by irresponsible owners who brand them nosy. Doing all the dirty jobs to provide a better life for our rescued friends. And teaching potential owners how to care for a house rabbit. Who says we are stupid and unfriendly?? We only act this way because we are being ignored or mistreated. Hey!! If we put you in a cage the whole day or beat you up, will you smile at us when we see you the next time?? Think about it...

The House Rabbit Society Singapore

House Rabbit Society of Singapore is an all-volunteer, non-profit organisation dedicated to rabbit welfare and awareness. HRSS seeks to reduce the number of unwanted rabbits in Singapore and improve rabbits' lives through education...

Photos courtesy of of House Rabbit Society SIngapore. Visit ( or click on our links section to see if you have a heart (and home) big enough to provide for another being.