Saturday, December 16, 2006

The Butt is Clear

Time for the dreaded grooming sessions again!!! If we pretend not to move do you think mummy will just pass us by and not noticed we exist?? Yes... Yes... We know its good to be clean and all but the thing is we dun like to be carried or hugged!! Makes us feel suffocated and about to be eaten... OH!! WHAT SHOULD WE DO!!! HELP!!!

Oh well... So much for the hoping... Off we go to Auntie Adeline's place for some grooming. I FEEL LIKE A PRINCESS!!

Look at me enjoying the spa massage. OOH!! Life is good...

This is animal abuse!! I'm not gonna wait here and let you have your way with me!! NO WAY!!

Scruffy is cool ok...

I'll never admit I enjoy this!! I'm a man!!


Friday, December 15, 2006

Dirty Butt

Its been a while since we wrote. We had been busy planning our site to see how we can improve on it. We tried to change the site to something more lively, more like our personality but it was a disaster!! Nothing ever works around here eh!! Nothing ever works or we are totally clueless... Sigh...

After all the hard work, its time to take a break and catch some zzzzz..... But... Look at my dirty butt!! What a disgrace!! I had been so busy figuring out the blog thingy that I did not have time to clean myself. Dun be fooled by Morty thinking she is cleaner than me. Her fur is all black so you can't see her dirty butt clearly. She is so sneaky!!

I am not sneaky!! I AM CLEANER THAN FATTY OVER THERE!! But mummy will be bringing us to do some grooming tmr... Fatty's butt will surely drive auntie Adeline crazy.

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Lazy Mama

The weekend is here again!!

Usually this means we'll not get our meals on time and our potty will not get cleaned. Mummy likes to sleep late and we would be starving by the time she wakes up... So Stewy has taken the matter into his own paws by wrecking our cage and I have decided to poo outside the pot. This will get mummy's attention and she'll wake up to feed us and clean our potty before heading back to bed. :op

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Feeling blue...

Mummy almost didn't go to work today as I had no appetite this morning and it got her worried. She suspects that I might be having GI Stasis which could send me to bunny heaven if its not treated in time. Being the crazy mama she is... She'll probably bring me to the doc if I dun start eating soon... But mama... I'm feeling blue...

Yeah!! Mummy bought me strawberries tonight!! I luuurve strawberries!! So I dun feel blue no more.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Bunny's Misadventure

Yet another lazy afternoon... The sun is shining and our mummy is not at home again... She has gone to do what she does to put hay in our basket. She will be gone the whole day and we are bored to death.

Hhmn... Time for some snooze before she comes back and put us on the running wheel. 'Bunny Out to Play' she says... 'Bunny's on a Diet' she says... NO MUMMY!! BUNNY WANTS FOOOOOD!!